Couple massage is different from all other types of massages as it involves two individuals and two massage therapists. Couple massage is a relaxing body partner massage with healing purposes, depending on the clients’ specialty chosen. A couple’s massage involves the use of different techniques depending on the objective of the massage. Treatments can be aimed at physical relaxation, stress relief, pain relief or correction of body posture. A couple massage is a shared experience designed for two people where each person involved receives a relaxing massage from a therapist. The massage therapists start both massages at the same time and coordinate the treatment for the couple to ensure both parties get the same shared experience. A couple massage is a shared experience – a massage that can be shared with a partner, relative, or close friend.
1. Reduction in stress and depression
A massage is an incredible way to relax, reduce stress, and, in a couples massage, bond.
2. Increased blood flow
Getting massage and spa in Dubai increase the blood flow to various joints, which in turn improves circulation, reduces aches and cramps, and leaves you feeling refreshed.
3. Reconnect with a partner
This massage can help you reconnect with your partner. Many couples are busy with life, work, children, and everything in between.
4. Releases feel good hormones
Massages allow you to release hormones related to feeling good, such as oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin.
5. Lowering heart rate and blood pressure
Massage can help you lower your heart rate and blood pressure, allowing you to feel a sense of relaxation and calm.
6. Improve circulation and energy
Massage is also well known for increasing blood flow and circulation, as well as giving you energy and making you alert.
7. Reduce Stress and Anxiety
One of the main reasons people seek out massage therapy is to reduce stress and anxiety. And it’s no different when it comes to couples massages.
Relax from daily stress of life and get a professional massage and spa in Dubai from our expert therapists.